Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cicada knowledge

We used the SOLO describe ++ map to help us organise our ideas about cicadas. This is what we knew:

What do you see?
The cicada has 5 eyes and 6 legs.

The cicada has wings.
The cicada sheds it’s skin.
The cicada digs holes.
The cicada has 4 wings.
The cicada has light and delicate wings.
Baby cicadas can’t fly. They fall off the tree.
The cicada sticks to everything.
The cicada lays eggs.
The cicada makes noise.
Why do you think it is like that?

It is like that because...

The cicada needs 5 eyes to see well.

It was born with 2 eyes and when it grew up it grew 3 more eyes.

It has 5 eyes because it was born that way.

It has wings so it can fly.

It sheds it’s skin so it can grow.

It has 6 legs because it is an insect.

It digs holes so it can make a home.

Their shell are like a skeleton.

They need 5 eyes so they can see properly.

They have light wings so they can glide through the air.

It doesn’t see well if it has 2 eyes.

Baby cicadas have no wings so they can’t fly.

It needs to stick to trees so it can shed it’s skin.

Because they like babies.

It makes a noise to say hello to the girls.

Next we will write about our wonderings and then we will try and find out different ways to find answers to our wonderings.

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