Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Let it snow!

It snowed and we were all VERY excited! Johani and Livinya have never been in the snow before! Isabel, Maddie and Henry took some photos around school this morning.  Maddie scooped some ice off the picnic table at home and added some orange juice. She made a slushie! The snow has begun to melt very quickly. This is what we thought about the snow:

  • It was really cold and I liked playing in it. Annabelle
  • It had a snowball fight with Cooper. Georgia
  • I went to the Palms. Lachlan
  • Snow rocks! Amelia
  • I did the moon walk on some ice. Lucas
  • My Mum's car was frozen and the wipers went and we didn't even push a button. Tanner
  • I saw the snow when I got up this morning. Livinya
  • My sister was scared of the snow. Emma
  • Mum's car was covered in slush. Lucy
  • It's a winter wonderland. Isabella
  • The dog's water bowl was frozen. Frankie
  • Today I nearly ice skated to school. Eden
  • I wanted to make a snow man by myself. Rehan
  • When I got up I saw a wee bit of snow. Dante
  • I got a balckcurrant drink when I got to Poppy's after school. Sammie