Thursday, February 21, 2013

Welcome SAM Bear

Today at assembly the Room 15 children were very excited to win SAM (St Albans Mascot) Bear. We have all been trying to keep our cloakroom and classroom very tidy. Yeah! We won! Which class do you think will win next week? Mrs Simmons will also choose one child to get a Clip'n'Climb voucher and one child to get a soccer ball - yippee:)

Week 3 certificate winners

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The Tui group researched what a Grandfather clock looked like and how it sounds. In the story the little kid (goat) hid in a Grandfather clock to hid from the wolf.      

Monday, February 18, 2013

We've joined Study Ladder

The children will bring home their password to join Study Ladder - an interactive learning web site. Please click on the link on the right and enter your code. I have a copy of the code in class if you require it. Happy learning!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Week one certificate winners

Great work Sven!

Sven took a book home to read about making a model aeroplane. Today he came to school with a plane that he made. He followed the instructions. Awesome work Sven.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Nature in Room 15

What a fantastic time of the year it is! The caterpillars that Frankie gave us have eaten nearly half the swan plant over the weekend. They are getting quite big so we will need to keep an eye on them as soon they will change...Our frog Sophie has arrived. She is now 3 years old and Mrs Simmons has had her since she was a tadpole. Thanks for bringing live flies for her to munch on. The sunflowers are looking awesome in our garden. We will keep the seeds and plant more at the end of the year.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Welcome to our Room 15 blog

Welcome to our class blog. Here, we will share our learning. Let the year begin!